Manga - Wind Set

Discover the exclusive manga set "Wind" from our "Kachō fūgetsu" manga series!

With the "Wind" set, you can create your manga drawings with an impressive wealth of detail and vibrant color combinations. This set is specially designed to capture the dynamic and flowing nature of the wind and capture it on paper.

Inspired by the Japanese four-character idiom "Kachō fūgetsu" (花鳥風月), which describes the beauty of nature and the harmonious unity of "Flower" (ka, 花), "Bird" (chō, 鳥), "Wind" (fū, 風) and "Moon" (getsu, 月), the "Wind" set reflects the powerful yet gentle movement of the wind. The carefully selected colors are designed to embody the essence of wind and its role in nature.

Tutorial Manga Wind Motif

In this tutorial, Maki Ashiya shows you how she captures the movement and mood of the wind with the ABT colors to create a woman in a kimono and parasol.

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